Work has finally started to convert the old Coop building at 16-22 Brownhill. The building is covered in scaffolding and is being converted into commercial space on the ground floor and flats above.
The original proposal made in October 2014 by Brownhill Properties was for:
The alteration and conversion of the existing building at 16-22 Brownhill Road SE6 to provide 347 sq. m ground floor commercial floor space for (A2) Financial & Professional Services, (A3) Café/Restaurant or (D1) Non-Residential Institution use on the ground floor, and 5 one bedroom and 4 two bedroom self-contained flats on the upper floors, together with the construction of a part 2/ part 3/ part 4 storey building fronting Plassy Road to provide 4 one bedroom and 6 two bedroom self-contained flats, with a green living roof, associated landscaping and cycle and refuse stores.
The scheme would be a car-free development, with the provision of 29 dry and secure cycle spaces for future residential occupiers, and 3 spaces afforded to the commercial unit.
The proposal does not include the provision of any affordable units, and would provide 100% market housing.
The building is on the Local List which means it has special local architectural or historic interest which are an important part of our local heritage. This doesn’t mean it is a Listed Building as those are statutorily protected against unauthorised demolition, alteration and extension.
Built in 1911 and designed by FG Crickett the shop front has been boarded up for approximately 20 years. The small hall upstairs was used as a children’s playgroup from 1968.
A planning application was submitted to change the use of the warehouse behind 10 Brownhill Road. This of course, will be converted to flats.
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