Lewisham employers, the Living Wage Foundation and the Mayor of Lewisham Sir Steve Bullock, came together this week to launch a discount offer for businesses who sign up to become London Living Wage employers. Lewisham Council is offering all local business rate payers a discount worth up to £5,000 on their business rates if they become accredited London Living Wage … [Read more...]
Views needed from parents and young people about support services in Lewisham
What are your experiences of support services in Lewisham? If you are a parent or young person of secondary school age, Children's Services at Lewisham Council would like to here your views. They have created a survey focusing on Health Visiting, School Nursing and Children's Centres. They want to know what people like about the services and what they find most useful to … [Read more...]
New apprenticeships for residents aged 16 or over
Anyone who lives in Lewisham and is over 16 can apply for the new apprenticeship vacancies that are currently advertised on the Lewisham Council's website. Previous apprenticeship schemes were targeted towards young people aged 16–24 but that barrier has been removed. This is a great opportunity to earn as you learn. A number of apprenticeships are available from … [Read more...]
Lewisham council tax will rise to help balance budget
Lewisham Council has decided to raise council tax for the second time in seven years in response to a decrease in government funding. The increase is equivalent to 45p a week more for a Band D property. This further drop in government funding means that the Council will have been forced to make savings totalling £138m since 2010. You can see the full impact of this year's … [Read more...]
The Old Town Hall in Catford has people in it!
Not a lot of people know this… (channelling Michael Cain) The Old Town Hall has been occupied for over a year now. It isn’t standing there all mothballed and consuming unnecessary heat to prevent deterioration. There are actually people in there, lots of people. I saw a comment on a forum that stated the building was empty so I thought I'd clear this up. Back in … [Read more...]
Supporting the Living Wage and tackling low pay in Lewisham
In the UK, almost six million workers are paid less than the voluntary national living wage so it’s welcome news that Lewisham Council has unveiled plans to encourage local employers to pay the Living Wage. The plans, due to be considered by the Mayor and Cabinet on Wednesday 11 November, would offer a Business Rate discount next year to employers who become accredited with … [Read more...]
Lewisham’s third generation of civic leaders are on their way
Lewisham Council and Operation Black Vote (OBV) recently launched another dynamic civic leadership programme to encourage and nurture more black and minority ethnic (BME) individuals into civic leadership roles. Over the next three months, the 30 participants – who are all Lewisham residents – will take part in a mixture of observation and training sessions across five areas … [Read more...]
Don’t lose your right to vote
Respond to household enquiry form Residents in Lewisham have been urged to respond to the household enquiry form which asks them to check whether the information that appears on the electoral register for those living at their address is correct. This form has been sent out as part of the borough’s annual voter registration canvass with the aims of ensuring that the … [Read more...]
Have your say on landlord licensing proposal
Lewisham Council is seeking your views on whether landlords should be required to obtain a licence to rent out accommodation above commercial properties (such as flats above shops) for multiple occupation. The Council believes the licensing scheme would help improve conditions in these rented properties. It would ensure that landlords manage the immediate environment around … [Read more...]
Have your say: Let’s Talk Rubbish!
Do you use an incinerator to get rid of your garden rubbish? Would you prefer it if the council would collect your garden rubbish rather than you having to throw it in the back of the car and take it down to the recycling centre? If you have rubbish on your mind here's your chance to share your views. Under the title Let’s Talk Rubbish! Lewisham Council has launched a … [Read more...]