Twitter has released a new poll feature so just for fun I've asked what people think of the Catford Cat. What do you think of the Catford Cat? — Catford Central (@catfordcentral) October 27, 2015 The poll lasts for 24 hours and only seems to work on mobiles and Twitter desktop at the moment. People can't see how you voted so if you really hate the cat (I don't see … [Read more...]
The Catford Cat well lit by moonlight
Okay, it's not moonlight but still the Catford Cat has never looked prettier. This is the first picture of the Catford Cat at night that I've seen. What do you think? This is a screen grab from Luke Agbaimoni's flickr page that he shared with me and I couldn't resist sharing with you. Luke's a photographer, go check out his other stuff. … [Read more...]
Is the Catford cat getting a face lift?
The Catford Cat has been looking a little shabby and is long overdue a paint job. I spotted some workers erecting scaffolding at lunch time and wondered if the Council were finally going to do the honours. Anyone have any information on this? … [Read more...]