New homes are being built at the back of Muirkirk Road in Catford. The Soul Kitchen signage has left a lot of people (me included) scratching their heads so I decided to look into it. What has a saxophone playing cat got to do with industrial warehouse apartments? And does soul kitchen have anything to do with food?
The Sax playing cat
Soul Kitchen is the brainchild of property development company Vanquish ID who seem to like to brand their developments around music themes. The Muirkirk Road development is inspired by the song by The Doors; Soul Kitchen and has the lyrics “Let me sleep all night in your soul kitchen.”
Previous developments include Block Lockdown’, ‘Red Rock Apartments’ and ‘Jam Central’ in the Crystal Palace Triangle. Alrighty then!
Vanquish ID
Actor and entrepreneur, Mark Harris is the founder and CEO of Vanquish ID. He believes “property development should be creative, not bland, boring or ‘for sale’ with the same old luxury heading.” That explains the names then!
Reclaimed, raw-style materials are the foundation for Mark’s design concept, with each home being individually set out by him prior to planning and hitting the architects desk to make a reality.
Harris says: “We’re a family run, independent business, you either get us or you don’t. But we have great passion and drive in what we do and what we design. We develop designer pads that no one else, we believe, can come near to. Not everybody will like what we do but we don’t develop for them. These are all our own ideas and creations.”
Mark and his two sons do everything; from buying the land to throwing in the kitchen sinks.
The Soul Kitchen development
Soul Street will be the name of the road for the new development. In the brochure, the Soul Kitchen development is billed as:
Six iconic homes, all with a signature urban design, within the urban, yet soulful area of Catford. All enjoy captivating, large timber-sash windows whilst some enjoy stylish, private courtyards; an incredibly iconic place to live.
Recycling is the foundation for the signature design of these houses, with each home being expertly crafted with ‘old-school’ materials. From the exposed brickwork matched with the fumed oak flooring, to the blending of quarry tiles with the rustic kitchens, with all enhanced with sleek industrial lighting.
So, there you have it, folks, scratch your heads no more. I have to admit, I think their designs are interesting.
My real concern is that the development looks like it’s crammed behind the shops. If the developers run out of space to build in the borough, will they come for our gardens next? I jest. I’m sure it’s roomier than it looks behind there.
Have you ever thought of Catford as soulful?
In 2021 they say Millford towers are coming
They have been saying this for years but nufick happened they a danger to the public you have druges sitting on the stairs people have been killed part of the building is starting to come down there’s water going into the car park and that’s dangerous to the public because there’s electric next to the water if the meets. Up with the water coming in the car park is going to caught fire you people walking though there the building needs work done to it soon or later the is going to come down on the public and kill them start on the job soon as possible no later than 2021
I think someone’s having a laugh……..
I think there did used to be a blues bar on Rushey Green which closed only a few years ago.
Milford Towers was supposed to be coming down with the rest of the shopping centre last year though delayed due to TfL wanting to do something with the gyratory. New schedule is 2021. Time for another consultation.